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I will work with the citizens in District 21 and not remain silent on issues that matter to you. We should not have to fight the people we elect to represent us. Your voice will be the most important voice in my ear and when you speak, I will listen and cast my votes in the state senate to make the changes you need. As your state senator, I will work for you, not against you.

Transparencey and Integrity

I will be a public servant for the people and not the special interest groups. I firmly believe that being an effective public servant requires both integrity and transparency. We deserve to know what our elected officials are doing and who they are doing it for. We should not have to question the validity of the ballot box because elected officials are protecting their own turf and thwarting the votes and the will of the people. Every vote matters and every vote must count!

Crime & Safe Communities


I will support funding for community-based youth services and job programs that keep our young people engaged in productive activities and reduce idle mischief and crime in our communities. Investing in children is better than investing in prisons. And I will NOT support legislation that criminalizes school discipline behavior. Our schools are not prisons and laws that send children to jail for minor discipline issues should be repealed.

Education & Jobs


·  I will vote to fully fund education and support equitable funding for all public schools based on student need. I will be a vocal advocate at the state house to protect every child’s right to a high quality, free, public school education. I will vote to support expanded training for classroom teachers, administrators and parents. Training is a wise investment and makes far more sense than correcting problems from a lack of training.

·  I will press for legislation that adequately funds an infrastructure bank for economic development and job training for displaced workers to attract clean industries that pay livable wages.

Environment & Health
· I will work to protect the rural community environment in Lower Richland, that means I will not support a massive sewer project that the citizens do not need and cannot afford. Residents should not be left alone to fend for themselves when government has run amuck.


· I will work to ensure urgent medical services are available, especially in rural parts of District 21, like Hopkins, Gadsden and Eastover, where citizens who suffer a stroke or heart attack wait more than an hour for urgent care services. The need for basic services should always come first and I will vote to ensure those services are available throughout District 21.

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